Experience Endless Horizons

Powered Paragliders Dream Store

Pennsylvania PPG is here to turn your dream into a reality! We can supply you with safe and quality equipment to help your flying dreams come true! We carry a wide variety of equipment to meet your needs from beginner to expert from foot launch to wheels with all of the parts and accessories needed along the way. If there is something you are looking for and do not see please contact me personally so I can do my best to get you what you need. 570-994-0339

A Little about me

Kenny Schnatter The founder
My dream of flying began when I was a little boy and grew up racing motocross. As I grew up every jump I hit I wanted to go higher and further and wanted to hit the biggest jumps I could find and couldn't get enough! In the year of 2006 that all changed when I took my first paramotor flight!! It was like hitting a jump and not coming down for an hour later (the dirt bike of the sky) the feeling was amazing! After flying a while I wanted to share the experience so I then got a powered parachute and a sport pilots licenses so I could start taking people for rides, this lasted for a few years and then I wanted more or so I thought. I went for training for small fixed wing such as minimax, quicksilver, piper cub , Rans S12xl and it was fun but started getting more and more expensive , hanger rent, fuel, maintenance etc.etc. and then the fun factor wasn't there anymore. I thought I wanted to climb the ladder to bigger better things but I was wrong. The higher I climbed the ladder of aviation the less fun I was having. What I was looking for was at the beginning that's powered paragliding! PPG is Amazing, Safe and Affordable and there is nothing like it! This sport will change your life and you will meet amazing people along the way. If there is anything I can do to help you please feel free to contact me so I can be part of turning you dream into reality !

Powered Paraglider Training

"Life is either a Daring adventure or nothing."


Reasons we will win you over


We sell Quality Products such as Power2fly & Parajet paramotors Ozone Wings MacPara wings BGD Wings Dudek Wings And all the parts and accessories you need Pennsylvania PPG llc. Is a USPPA Certified Training Facility!!!!!!!!!

Come Fly With Us

The Sky Is your Playground